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Team Project I
Timely: A Python Approach to Timesheets

Problem, Idea, Solution

All engineers despite their individual disciplines need to understand the basics of manufacturing, including electrical circuits and computer coding. In this project, my team and I worked with a company to create a more efficient and accurate time sheet system. We created this system using our prior design process experience as well as our coding knowledge.

Timely: A Python Approach to Timesheets: Projects
Timely: A Python Approach to Timesheets: Gallery

Objective & Process

The goal of this project was to design and implement a code-based time sheet system to create a more efficient way to track employee wages for our client company. The process involved using the Python coding language to create the system, designing a box and station setup to house the Raspberry Pi and cords we'd be using, and testing of the device with sample data similar to that of the client. The core of this project was creating a more effective and easier to use time sheet system that would save time and be as accurate as possible when recording employee times and tasks. The heavy lifting in this product was centered in the depth and intricacy of the coding aspect while machining came into play for the fabrication of the box cutouts and nestling of the Raspberry Pi securely inside.


This project began with HRC's need for an easier and smarter way to record time sheet data. In the past, HRC was using a paper and pencil to record the times and tasks of several employees and then having to reenter all that data into their computer database. Seeing this opportunity to help, my team and I used our knowledge of computer coding to create a station and digital system to record the times and tasks of various employees without having to record the same information twice using the Python coding language.

Patent Preparation and Prosecution


Due to the complexity of the problem and common digital methods already in place elsewhere for time sheet management, we decided to use computer coding and a computer system set up. With the use of this technology, we could keep the time accuracy of our project, Timely, running through the computer's clock. This third studio class also provided us with the opportunity as we were finishing up our learning of basic computer coding.



The system we created combined our knowledge of machining and computer programming. We used a Raspberry Pi connected to a monitor, mouse, and keyboard to create an easy-to-use station where employees can keep track of tasks and times, eliminating the two-step process HRC previously used.

Timely: A Python Approach to Timesheets: Projects


  • Designed and implemented a computer code and station where HRC could easily keep track of employee times and tasks

  • Evaluated and assessed the current capability of HRC to accurately and efficiently keep time-sheet records

  • Employed our knowledge of computer programming and familiarity with machine shop equipment

Timely: A Python Approach to Timesheets: About
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