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Individual Project I
Spinning Top

Our first individual project took form in a brass spinning top. We created this top in the machine shop using a lathe, bandsaw, and vertical milling machine.

Spinning Top: Projects

Objective & Process

Our goal for this project was to fabricate a top in the Branam Innovation Center (BIC) as well as become a bit more familiar with the machinery such as the lathe, bandsaw, and vertical milling machine. An inspection report and reflection was also made for the process and total creation of the top.

Spinning Top: Projects


Using a lathe, we took a brass bar stock that would soon become our top and shave it down to the desired diameter for the handle which was .500". We also used the lathe later during the project for the spinning end of the top.



During the fabrication, the bandsaw was used to cut the handle and top portions from the rest of the brass bar. The total length of the top was .900" after cutting.


Vertical Milling Machine

The vertical milling machine was used both to drill holes in the spinning end of the top as well as cut the four flats around the diameter of the top.



  • Opportunity to grow more comfortable with the machinery

  • Ability to create my top by cutting and drilling all the parts myself allowed me to learn more than if I had been an observer

  • Can improve in this area by trying to understand the details in order to build the big picture

  • Experienced project in group/partner setting

Spinning Top: About
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